The Earth is warming up, the climate is changing. For a century and a half, the Earth has begun to warm up very quickly mainly due to human activity. Glaciers are retreating, sea levels are rising, extreme weather events are increasing: floods, landslides, disasters and damage to buildings, heat waves, droughts, fires. This also affects human health, agriculture, and migration, leading to a reduction in biodiversity and a serious imbalance that undermines the entire ecosystem. Art must deal with what is happening globally, asking us all, and itself, questions that may lead to new thoughts and be a driver for change and regeneration. Through constant dialogue with other disciplines, from natural to human sciences, as well as with politics, school, the job market and associations, art can contribute to telling, and questioning about, the relationship between man and the environment.
ARTEPOLLINO2022 is among the projects supported by APQ Sensi Contemporanei “Cinema”, an agreement signed by the Basilicata Region, the Directorate-General of Films and Audiovisual Works of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Territorial Cohesion Agency.
Sensi Contemporanei is a public investment programme, which uses art expressive forms as cultural and economic development drivers, capable of generating knowledge, skills, and jobs, as well as promoting the tourist potential and attractiveness of an area.
Ensuring continuity with the work carried out over 14 years, ArtePollino is addressing the world of arts and culture on the most urgent challenge of our times – climate change – to keep creating cultural opportunities in the Pollino National Park through Art and Nature, using various contemporary audiovisual languages. The project involves artists, directors, researchers, university and fine arts academy professors, museums and foundations. It aims to create a permanent work of art, a performance, three audiovisual works, artist residence programmes, workshops, walks, debates with the public and some meetings dedicated to high school students.
From 26 to 30 April 2022, artist and professor of the “G. Carrara Academy” of Fine Arts in Bergamo, Francesco Pedrini (director of the Academy) and Antonio Rovaldi, together with their students and director Gaia Giani, will reside in the Pollino Park to carry out the ON THE MOVE workshop on the act of walking as a useful tool to get to know the local area, listen to the landscape, in the perspective of production of scenarios developed through video, photography, sound, words and writing to tell the story of a journey.
For further information, please visit www.accademiabellearti.bg.it | www.antoniorovaldi.com | www.gaiagiani.com
On 3 May , in Latronico, at the Parco delle Terme Lucane, the permanent work dedicated to the Third Paradise, by MICHELANGELO PISTOLETTO, made in cooperation with CITTADELLARTE – PISTOLETTO FOUNDATION, will be opened. The stages of the creation of the Third Paradise in Latronico will be documented through an audiovisual work, made by director LUCA ACITO, with an interview with Michelangelo Pistoletto. On May 4, at THE MULA+ Museum and Library of Latronico, the Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation will lead the second Rebirth Forum in the Pollino Park, open to citizens, associations and administrators. The forum will be focused on the care of territories and their people.
For further information, please visit www.cittadellarte.it
On May 7, researchers and activists CELESTE RIGHI RICCO and IRENE GHALEB, co-founders of Change For Planet and European Climate Pact Ambassadors, will meet the students of “ISIS Sinisgalli” in Senise, involving them in the ADVOCACY FOR THE FUTURE workshop. They will have the opportunity to think about the problems caused by climate change and how to be responsible consumers. In the afternoon, Celeste Righi Ricco and Irene Ghaleb will chat with the citizens of the southern area of Basilicata, in an open meeting at THE MULA+ Museum and Library of Latronico.
For further information, please visit www.changeforplanet.it |
On 14 May, some students from the “ISIS Sinisgalli” in Senise will meet Alessia Sacchetti of the CESVI Foundation and Rino Lombardi of the BORA MUSEUM in Trieste, to talk about future climate and good practices. The title – WE CAN’T CHANGE THE WIND, BUT WE CAN TRY” – refers to one of the projects created within the framework of the European call for action 1Planet4All by the CESVI Foundation, in Italy: “CambiaVenti -The climate emergency and us”, an awareness-raising initiative by the Bora Museum. In the afternoon, at the MULA+ Museum and Library of Latronico, the meeting will be open to the public.
For further information please visit www.1planet4all.it | www.cambiaventi.museobora.org
From 20 to 24 May, artists LUCY + JORGE ORTA and director DAVID BICKERSTAFF will be our guests in the Pollino Park. Together with all those who wish to participate, they will cross the park on a “complex and winding path where nature and man’s action are put together and compared.” A WALK ACROSS POLLINO – that’s the title of the project – will develop through readings, performances, sounds that will later be told to a wider audience thanks to the audiovisual work created by director David Bickerstaff, whose documentary works and video installations have been exhibited and included in many international festivals and exhibitions.
For further information please visit www.studio-orta.com
From 17 to 19 June, CHIARA RIZZI, SILVANA KUHTZ, SAVERIO MASSARO and SILVIA PARENTINI of the University of Basilicata, who are involved in several research projects on the topic of walking also through the Walking Workshop (Laboratorio del Cammino), will lead the “ABC. Workshops of Living Beauty Together” travelling experiences.
For further information, please visit www.dicem.unibas.it
The project and, in particular, the audiovisual works will be displayed in Matera, on25 June 2022, at the MUSMA Museum of Contemporary Sculpture.
For further information, please visit www.musma.it
To participate or learn more please call 340.6786865 or send an email to artepollino@gmail.com