
ArtePollino APS
Via Giovanni Falcone 3
85043 Latronico (PZ)
Tax Code 91007870768
VAT no 01704140761


Governing Body

President Gaetano Antonio Lofrano
Appointed on 15/09/2021 by decision of the Members’ Meeting
Term of office: 3 years (expires on 15/09/2024) Unremunerated position
Vice President Rosita Forastiere appointed on 15/09/2021 by decision of the Members’ Meeting
Term in office: 3 years (expires on 15/09/2024) Unremunerated position
Board Member Mary Cosentino
Appointed by decision of the Members’ Meeting of 15/09/2021
Term of office: 3 years (expires on 15/09/2024)
Unremunerated position

Governing Body

Disclosure requirements for public disbursements. The State aid and de minimis aid received by our company are included in the National Register of State aid referred to in Art. 52 of Law no 234/2012 to which reference is made and which can be found at the following link:

Support ArtePollino

We have a lot of projects, but we need your help to make them happen.


What is 5 X 1000?

5×1000 (0.5%) is the portion of the Italian personal income tax (IRPEF) that can be allocated to non-profit organisations and activities with a social interest purpose. It’s not an extra tax, which is why it costs you nothing. If you decide not to sign, the same portion remains with the State.

What is 2×1000
Since 2014, a new tax measure has been in force: the 2×1000 (0.2%).  This measure, as in the case of 5×1000, is not a cost to the taxpayer. The 2×1000 is not only for political parties; it can also be donated to support cultural associations.

Why choose ArtePollino
Choose to support art and nature by allocating your 5×1000 to ArtePollino. Since 2008 we have been promoting Italian and international creativity, working in one of the most remote Italian areas, creating exhibitions, residence programmes, workshops, paths and works, and supporting artists, curators and researchers in the field of contemporary arts. From the south of the Basilicata region, our works and our productions travel all over the world, enhancing the work of our staff and entire communities.

How to allocate your 0.5% to ArtePollino
Tax return forms (CUD, 730 and UNICO) include a box for 5×1000.  Sign the box dedicated to “supporting volunteering and other non-profit organisations of social interest […]” and enter the tax code of ArtePollino APS:
TAX CODE 91007870768

How to allocate your 0.2% to ArtePollino
For the 2×1000 donation, just fill in the tax code and sign in the dedicated box.

Thank you for your support!


Art. 1, paragraphs 125-129, of Law 4 August 2017 n. 124 (Annual Law on the Market and Competition) introduced certain publicity and transparency obligations for a variety of entities having economic relations with public administrations, other public entities or with the entities referred to in Legislative Decree n.33/2013.

Since 28 February 2019, these obligations have been applied to the organisations operating in the Third Sector as well.

Pursuant to ministerial circular n.2 of 11/01/2019, information on the contributions received should be published on the Association’s website.

The information should be published as a summary, which can be easily understood, and shall cover the following elements:

Name of the granting body;

Category of granting body;

Amount collected (for each underlying legal relationship);

Year of collection.

Granting bodyGranting categoryAmount collectedYear of collection
Basilicata RegionPublic€ 38,850.002022
Municipality of RotondaPublic€ 9,700.002022
Basilicata RegionPublic€ 38,850.002021
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and TourismPublic€ 9,998.002021
Italian Revenue Office URG COVID19 Contribution as per ART. 1 PARAGRAPH 1 of DECREE LAW NO. 73 OF 2021Public€ 2,000.002021
Italian Revenue Office URG COVID19 Contribution as per ART. 1 PARAGRAPH 1 of DECREE LAW NO. 73 OF 2021Public€ 2,000.002021
Municipality of FardellaPublic€ 9,900.002021
Basilicata RegionPublic€ 5,000.002021
Participation Foundation Matera Basilicata 2019Public€ 1,200.002021
Ministry of Cultural Heritage and TourismPublic€ 9,998.002020
Italian Buddhist UnionReligious entity€ 10,000.002020
Basilicata RegionPublic€ 38,500.002018
Participation Foundation Matera Basilicata 2019Public€ 180,000.002018